​VantaPsy DEMO V3.3.12 Update Log

VantaPsy DEMO V3.3.12 Update Log


  • Grammar, Dialogue, Text Boxes, etc
  • Player Time fix and added to the save/load file
  • Miscellaneous fixes
  • Most fixes are clean ups


Working on/next updates

  • Visual updates to various areas
  • Cutscenes for scenes that don’t have them
  • Add Lovers card level up scene
  • Animations for higher tier spells
  • Animations for various abilities
  • Enemy Sprites (Certain enemies are still placeholders)
  • Add clarity to the Party Menu, as well as the Cards Menu


  • Fix/Tweak Punch mechanic
  • Reaction dialogue for characters (a speech bubble usually filled with one word/phrase, onomatopoeia, symbols, etc)
  • Full picture illustrations for important events
  • More variations in dialogue options and outcomes

Questionable Mechanic to add - Debate and Investigation 

I want to add a debate mechanic that goes hand in hand with investigations. The plot does revolve around a mystery (The titular Soul Snatcher) so I want to gamify the player doing their own investigations and coming to conclusions on who the Soul Snatcher is. This would also lead to various endings. The problem with this is that I would need the entire game to be done to fully develop the world in such a way that the player can engage in a robust investigation. Until that happens, this is going on the backburner for now, and depending on how cramp the game gets (It's already quite packed with mechanics) I may or may not actually add this.

If you're wondering, think of the investigations like that of Disco Elysium. Something like that.


VantaPsy DEMO v3.3.15 (Latest) 374 MB
Version 3.3.12 96 days ago

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